
Mohamad Musman is an activist in the field of energy, electricity technology, and renewable energy, especially in the field of power generation, Mohamad Musman is an electrical engineer alumnus Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

He observed the negative economy impact of energy subsidies in Indonesia, especially in the reform era (1998-next).

In 2016, Mohamad Musman has individually submitted a judicial review of law articles on energy subsidies which are “unconstitutional for the sake of national economic resilience”, submitted to the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MKRI) as the guardian of the Constitution.

There are 3 laws are submitted to be tested (the Electricity Law, the Energy Law and the State Budget Law on articles related to energy and electricity subsidies) with the same topic of testing that the energy and electricity subsidies articles that have spent more than IDR 2700 trillion using foreign debt, this is “unconstitutional, if implemented by political government”. Constitutionally, the state should establish an independent Energy Commission to manage the budget for improving energy economy efficiency related transportation and infrastructure in electricity, road transport and railways.

The book examined energy outlook related political power. What’s the matter with Indonesia’s reform? It seems that students are only puppets, used for power struggles that take the victims of the innocent people in 1998 and earlier in 1966.  Indonesia had struggled independence war after 350 years under Dutch colony. It is evidenced that amount of Indonesia foreign debt of Rp.5,500 trillion had been spent 60% for their energy subsidies around Rp.2,700 trillion from 1998-2020.  Have the debt created social justice for all of nusantara provinces or it shows only high cost political elite power struggle in Jakarta?

Entering the milennium 20th century, there has been a change in world hegemony, where China with a population of 1.3 billion has started to lead world trade. Rapid changes occur in information technology, satellite technology, what are the achievements of the country in pursuing high scientific technology for the future?  In simple logic, the nation which is the leader of world trade, it is the winner.

Soon China will replace America and Western Europe, the US dollar currency will soon be dim. The natural laws of civilization will change the world every 500 years, just remember what was happened 2000-500 = 1500 AD, West European started to global invasion, then back to 2000-1500 = 500, Roman empire ended then Islamic and Ottoman empires started to global invasion till 1500 AD. If today a country like USA has thousands of nuclear ballistic missiles as hegemony power but the country economy is retreating and dividing, dreaming earthlike planet is still 100% impossible, then surely nuclear hegemony will soon be eliminated by future civilization. In next 500 years future, nuclear, solar, wind turbine technology will be used globally for power generation, and this could make electricity tariff free worldwide, next free global telecommunication for better shape of human civilization achievements.

Countries that adopt international democratic standard energy governance will be the future winners. Countries that are shackled to an oligarchic political system, have foreign debts but are not used to create an efficient energy and transportation system, these countries will continue to have political turmoil, being pitted against world political power. This could future prediction clash of civilizations between China and West.